Cleaning category
Cleaning means the process of removing any impurities from surfaces or textile using chemicals, which commonly includes the use of organic solvents (VOCs). The degreasing process is a common example of cleaning as a part of the process of preparing surfaces and products for further treatment (coating, adhesion etc.).
Surface cleaning
Surface cleaning is any process, except dry cleaning, using organic solvents which contain volatile organic compounds with hazard statements H340, H350, H350i, H360D or H360F, as well as halogenated volatile organic compounds with hazard statements H341 or H351, to remove contamination from the surface of material including also degreasing. A cleaning activity consisting of more than one step before or after any other activity shall be considered as one surface cleaning activity. This process does not refer to the cleaning of equipment, but to the cleaning of the surface of products.
Solvent consumption threshold
If the total annual solvent consumption of an installation performing a surface cleaning activity is equal to or greater than 1 t/year, the installation is subject to the requirements of the VOC Regulation and classified as a VOC operator.
Based on the total annual solvent consumption, VOC operators are classified as small or medium installations; the prescribed emission limit values for these installations depend on this classification and are listed in Annex 5 of the VOC Regulation.
Other surface cleaning
Other surface cleaning is any process, except dry cleaning, using organic solvents other than those defined under “Surface cleaning”, to remove contamination from the surface of material including also degreasing. A cleaning activity consisting of more than one step before or after any other activity shall be considered as one surface cleaning activity. This process does not refer to the cleaning of equipment, but to the cleaning of the surface of products.
Solvent consumption threshold
If the total annual solvent consumption of an installation performing one of the processes classified as other surface cleaning is equal to or greater than 2 t/year, the installation is subject to the requirements of the VOC Regulation and classified as a VOC operator.
Based on the total annual solvent consumption, VOC operators are classified as small or medium installations; the prescribed emission limit values for these installations depend on this classification and are listed in Annex 5 of the VOC Regulation.
Dry cleaning
Dry cleaning is any industrial or commercial activity using volatile organic compounds in an installation to clean garments, furnishing or similar consumer goods, with the exception of manual removal of stains in the textile and clothing industry.
Solvent consumption threshold
All installations performing dry cleaning, regardless of their total annual solvent consumption, are subject to the requirements prescribed in the VOC Regulation and classified as VOC operators. Total emission limit values for these installations are prescribed in Annex 5 of the VOC Regulation.