Opening workshop for consultants in the field of VOC emissions held
Introductory workshop for consultants within the Project “Further Implementation of EU Regulation on Volatile Organic Compounds” has been held. The purpose of the workshop was to present the Project and the training that will be organised from mid-February to late April this year.
Project Team Leader, Dr Bojana Vukadinović, presented the eVOC Serbia Project and acquainted the participants with project objectives, which include the support to enterprises using volatile organic compounds in their production processes. In continuation, Elena Janković, Local Project Expert, presented the existing legal framework, as well as the amendments prepared within the Project to fully transpose Chapter V of the Industrial Emissions Directive. One of the main Project activities is the preparation and creation of a new Register of VOC operators in Serbia, which was discussed in detail by Riccardo Quaggiato, Project Key Expert.
International Project Expert, Richard Schlachta presented the plan for the detailed training in the field of volatile organic compound emissions for the consultants and announced the opening of a call for interested environmental experts. The call for consultants interested in detailed training in the field of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions is available at the Project website. The call is open until 22nd January 2021. Once the application deadline has passed and the applications and CVs have been analysed, 20 consultants will be selected and given an opportunity to attend a cycle of six workshops on the following dates, starting from 11 a.m: 12 February 2021, 23 February 2021, 12 March 2021, 23 March 2021, 16 April 2021 and 23 April 2021. The last training session will include the final test, after which the candidates will receive a certificate of training attendance.
The introductory workshop was attended by 23 consultants, including the staff of faculties and institutes, employees of consulting companies, as well as other environmental experts.
Experience from other countries shows that the consultants play an important role in the field of volatile organic compound emissions as many companies opt to engage external experts when elaborating their annual solvent mass balances and preparing their reports, as well as when preparing measures for VOC emissions mitigation.